
Dear Client,


In complying with the FAIS legislation, I would like to bring the following information to your attention:

I, Anthonie Michael Meyer, represent Capvest Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd, registration number 2009/021475/07. We are an authorised financial services provider licensed with the Financial Services Board (FSCA), license number 41026. I am a director and shareholder of Capvest Wealth Management. I am an experienced wealth manager, specialising in managing the wealth of high net worth clients. I have in excess of 22 years of experience in the high net worth/private banking environment.

The following wealth managers are licensed to provide clients with advice:

  • AM Meyer
  • SF Smit
  • Y Du Toit
  • GJ Flint

The wealth managers represent the following company as employees:

  • Capvest Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd
  • The registered name of the company is Capvest Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd, registration number 2009/021475/07
  • We are an independent financial advisory business and not aligned with any bank, insurance company or investment house

The director/s of Capvest Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd is:

  • AM Meyer

The shareholder/s of Capvest Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd is:

  • AM Meyer

Our contact details are as follows:

Business Physical Address: 3 Lourensford Road, Stuarts Hill, Somerset West, 7130
Office Number: 021 203 5468
Admin Office: 011 954 0421 / 021 203 5468 / 012 259 3856
Cell Number: 082 808 0486
Email address: [email protected]

Our assistants are:

Our administrators and technical support team is:

I have been providing financial advice and intermediary services since 2002 in the following areas:

  • Financial planning:
    • Estate planning, wills and trusts
    • Retirement planning
    • Investment planning
    • I do not specialise in death and disability planning, but can assist in identifying needs and obtaining solutions in this regard
    • General financial planning
  • Investment Planning

A. We are authorised to provide advice and intermediary services in the following categories:

1.3 Long-term Insurance subcategory B1 x x
1.20 Long-term Insurance subcategory B2 x x
1.21 Long-term Insurance subcategory B2-A x x
1.22 Long-term Insurance subcategory B1-A x x
1.24 Structured deposits x x
1.25 Securities and instruments x x
1.26 Participatory interest in a hedge fund x x
1.4 Long-term Insurance subcategory C x x
1.5 Retail pension benefits x x
1.7 Pension funds benefits x x
1.8 Shares x x
1.9 Money market instruments x x
1.10 Debentures and securitised debt x x
1.11 Warrants, certificates and other instruments x x
1.12 Bonds x x
1.13 Derivative instruments x x
1.14 Participatory interests in a collective investment scheme x x
1.15 Forex investment x x
1.17 Long-term Deposits x x
1.18 Short-term Deposits x x

B. Class of business license:
Long-term Insurance
Pension-Fund Benefits
Short-term and Long-term Deposits
Forex Investments

A copy of the license is available for inspection on request.

We have written authority to market the products of the following product suppliers and I am accredited to market their products:

A. Investment Products:

  1. 36One Asset Management
  2. Allan Gray
  3. Anchor Capital
  4. Anglorand
  5. Ashburton
  6. Aylett Fund Managers
  7. Baillie Gifford Investment Managers
  8. Bateleur Capital
  9. BlackRock Investment Management
  10. BlueAlpha Investment Management
  11. Boutique Collective Investments
  12. Capital International
  13. Centaur Asset Management
  14. Contrarius Asset Management
  15. Coronation Asset Management
  16. Fairtree Asset Management
  17. Foord Asset Management
  18. Franklin Templeton
  19. Fundsmith Asset Management
  20. Glacier (Sanlam)
  21. Goldman Sacs
  22. H4 Collective Investments
  23. Investec Corporate Management Services
  24. Investec Securities
  25. Ishares
  26. JP Morgan Asset Management
  27. Jupiter Asset Management
  28. Kagiso Asset Management
  29. Laurium Capital Management
  30. Lindsell Train
  31. Lloyds Bank
  32. Long Beach Investments
  33. M&G
  34. Merchant West
  35. MI-Plan Asset Management
  36. Mitton Optimal
  37. Momentum Wealth
  38. Momentum Wealth International
  39. Mundane Asset Management
  40. Nedbank Private Wealth – Geber se goud?
  41. Nedgroup Investments
  42. Ninety One (Investec Asset Management)
  43. Northstar Asset Management
  44. Odyssey Capital Asset Management
  45. Old Mutual International
  46. Old Mutual Wealth
  47. Old Mutual Wealth Private Client Securities
  48. Orbis
  49. PPS Investments
  50. Prescient
  51. Ranmore Fund Management
  52. Reitway Global
  53. Rezco Asset Management
  54. Robeco International Asset Management
  55. Saffron Wealth Fund Management
  56. Sands Capital
  57. Sanlam
  58. Sarasin Asset Management
  59. Satrix
  60. Schroder Asset Management
  61. Senqu Capital
  62. Sesfikile Capital
  63. Stanlib
  64. Stonehage Flemming Investment Management
  65. Sygnia
  66. T. Rowe Price

B. Life Assurance (New Business and administration):

  1. Discovery
  2. Liberty Life
  3. Metropolitan
  4. Momentum
  5. Old Mutual
  6. Sanlam

C. We invest in the following Hedge Funds:

  1. 36ONE Absolute Alpha FR Retail Hedge Fund
  2. 36ONE FR Retail Hedge Fund
  3. 36ONE FR Q1 Hedge Fund
  4. Senqu Worldwide Flexible Long Short Prescient R1 Hedge Fund
  5. Peregrine Capital Pure Hedge H4 Q1 Hedge Fund
  6. Peregrine Capital Pure Hedge H4 Retail Hedge Fund
  7. Peregrine Capital High Growth H4 Q1 Hedge Fund
  8. Peregrine Capital High Growth H4 Retail Hedge Fund

I do not directly hold more than 10% of an insurer’s shares.

I am remunerated for my services by:

  1. An advisory fee is levied as a percentage of investment assets under management
  2. Fee for the drafting of wills, contracts, trusts, trust amendments, adding/removing trustees and estate administration
  3. Commission on life assurance products
  4. Commission on forex transactions

All fees charged to the client over and above the normal commission paid by the product supplier must be disclosed to the client at all times / prior to placement of the business or receipt of such commission.

We have Professional Indemnity Insurance with Marsh (Pty) Ltd, (in conjunction with Manwood Underwriting Managers (Pty) Ltd), for the amount of R15 million.

We may from time to time receive non-cash incentives from product suppliers or indirect consideration from other persons. Our practice protocol is to refuse to accept these incentives. Please see attached Policy of Conflict of Interest Annexure for further information.

We wish to advise that all information obtained or acquired about you shall remain confidential unless you provide written consent, or unless I am required by any law to disclose such information.  Please see attached Privacy Policy Annexure for more information.

We have a complaints process in place, please see attached Complaints Resolution Annexure for more information.

Compliance with the FAIS Act is monitored on a quarterly basis by Masthead Distribution Services (Pty) Ltd, a Compliance Practice approved by the Financial Services Board. Their postal address is PO Box 856, Howard Place, 7450. Their contact number is (011) 602 0200 and their email address is [email protected]. The relevant compliance officer is Tracey Wright (073) 198 0713.

Please note that in accordance with legislation we keep an updated disclosure register. This register informs you, our client, of all financial and ownership interests that I/ we may become entitled to and lists the business relationships that I have with the product suppliers. This document ensures transparency in our dealings with our clients and is available for inspection.

In the event that you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, you should address your complaint in writing to me at the above address.

Yours faithfully,

Anton Meyer
Wealth Manager
Telephone:    082 808 0486
Email:            [email protected]